For the 2019-20 school year, Math Circles of Chicago will serve
750 children in our academic year sessions, 225 children
in our summer camps, and 150 students who will participate in QED.
With an operating budget of $311,778, this equates to $277.14 per session per child.
In FY20, 332 of our students whose families qualify for free and reduced lunch
will not be asked to pay for any MC2 programing.
If your family earns $150,000 or more, we ask that you consider a donation to help defray our costs.
Consider how many seasons your child will attend our sessions?
How many hours will be provided of unparalleled math exploration
for your child(ren) this year?
If you value our programming,
especially if you are one of our many families that return session after session,
please show us with your financial support that you do.